Nobesawa Kiriyama Taiko Preservation Society

Theme : Traditional Art Area : Murayama, Obanazawa

Around 25 years ago, Nobesawa Kiriyama Taiko was born after students at Tokiwa junior high school were taught to play the Honen Taiko drums, which represent an abundant harvest. The Honen Taiko drums were part of the larger Hanagasa Taiko drum group which plays in the Hanagasa Festival. The Nobesawa Kiriyama Taiko group faced crisis in 2015 with the closing down of Tokiwa junior high school, but school alumni and their parents voluntarily established the preservation society with help from the local district leaders. Performances will now continue and instruction to Tokiwa elementary school students has now begun. The taiko performances help to rejuvenate the local area and secure its standing as a traditional performing art for generations to come. Events include school performances and the ceremony celebrating the 30 year anniversary of the Jobesawa castle ruins becoming an officially designated historical site.

CopyrightYamagata Pref
ProductionYamagata Prefecture Lifelong Learning Culture Foundation